5 Moves to Tone and Sculpt with Ankle Weights


The second I bought ankle weights and started incorporating them into my fitness routine I have not taken them off! They’ve become a staple in my fitness regiment and the perfect small piece of equipment for my mini at-home gym in Florida. They add resistance to moves that sculpt and tone your body while also providing an added challenge for any cardio or HIIT workouts. Pretty much, I never take these off! My ankle weights are Bala (currently only available for pre-order) but what I love about this brand is how light and comfortable they are. I wear them daily for walks and they never feel too clunky or bulky. If you’re looking for ways to add ankle weights into your at-home workouts or simply want to learn new ways to utilize them to their fullest potential keep reading…

1.Plank Jacks

How to: Start in a high plank position with your body in a straight line, hands under your shoulders and feet together Jump both feet out then in as if you’re performing a jumping jack with just your feet, keeping your core engaged and neck in line. For a low impact option try tapping your right toe out to the side, back center then your left-alternating each side to perform toe taps.

Reps: 20 total

Key note: Don’t let your butt rise and ALWAYS keep abs engaged.

Weight Placement: on ankles


How to: Start on on all fours with your right leg extended behind you with toes pointed. Raise your right leg toward the ceiling (a little above hip height) then lower it to the floor. Raise the same leg toward the ceiling again but this time lower it about 1 foot to the left of your kneeling leg. Bring your right leg back up to the ceiling to complete one rep. Your leg should make the motion of a rainbow as you lift and lower. Make sure to really squeeze your glutes at the top of each lift.

Reps: 20 each leg

Key note: Keep your head and neck in a straight line and your core engaged to protect your back.

Weight Placement: on ankles

3.Tricep Pulses

How to: Standing with your feet hip width distance and a slight bend in your knee place your ankle wights around your palms. Hinge slightly forward at your hips and extend your arms slightly above the line of our body with your palms facing the ceiling. Pulse yours hands in tiny motions to ceiling while keeping your arms tight to your body to engage your triceps.

Duration: 1 minute

Key note: Keep your core engaged. The smaller the movement the better and the more you feel the burn!

Weight Placement: around hands

4.Side Plank Crunches

How to: Start in a high side plank with your right hand down on the ground and your left arm straight to the ceiling. Keeping your core stable and your hips lifted high, bend your top left leg up toward your shoulder and bend your left arm so your elbow meets your knee. Return back to starting position and continue.

Reps: 15 each side

Key note: This exercise works great with the weight on your ankle or wrist depending on where you want the added challenge (arms or legs).

Weight Placement: on ankles or wrists

5.Flutter Kicks

How to: Start flat on your back and press your lower back and palms into the ground. Lift your legs off the ground and lift the right leg off the ground slightly past hip height, while keeping the left leg lifted so it hovers a few inches off the floor. Switch the position of the legs, and make quick and tight flutter motions with your legs alternating right and left.

Reps: 1 minute

Key note: For an added challenge, lift your head and neck off the floor to really engage your core.

Weight Placement: on ankles


For more ideas for at-home gym equipment click here!
